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Super Food
The baobab is a tree also called "tree of life" in Africa.

This tree has a fruit named " pain de singe " which measures 20 cm but weighs its weight (about 1 .5kg) !

These fruits contain seeds coated with a pulp. In addition to being edible, these famous “ pains de singe ” contain an incredible richness in vitamin C as well as other prodigious benefits.


A composition of thunder !

The fruit du baobab a an exceptional composition fight the deficiencies!

Surprisingly rich in vitamin C, these fruits have 7 times more than oranges, 3 times more calcium than in a glass of milk, 6 times more potassium than bananas and 6 times more antioxidants than blackcurrant! Monkey breads are also high in fibre, iron and minerals.



BAOBAB PULP Immune System, Food Rebalancing, Convalescence

  • Tonic and energizing virtues

    Thanks to its tonic and energizing properties, baobab pulp can occasionally be used as a cure for fatigue. It is also recommended after an illness (flu, infection), during convalescence, in the event of loss of form, after an emotional shock, a drop in immune defenses or during sports activities for better recovery.

  • Anti-inflammatory

    Everyone knows the usefulness of anti-inflammatories : reduction of pain, inflammation, swelling, etc. Who said you need medicine to relieve pain when baobab pulp can also be used for this purpose ! It is also useful in case of inflammatory diseases (osteoarthritis) and joint pain.

  • Anti-oxidative stress and rich in antioxidants

    It has also been proven that baobab pulp is 4 times more powerful than a kiwi and 15 times more antioxidant than an apple.

    Antioxidants can prevent oxidative stress from free radicals and thus prevent the development of certain degenerative diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc. They also contribute to the protection of cells against aging and to good general health.

    Baobab pulp is excellent for the skin, it has regenerating, restorative and anti-aging properties. Indeed, thanks to its strong antioxidant power, it prevents cellular aging.


  • Detoxifying

    Thanks to the antimicrobial active ingredients it contains, our baobab pulp  has detoxification properties for the body, but especially the liver._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

    Studies have shown that previously mentioned benefits (such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities) protect and repair the liver. There is no doubt on this point : it is THE superfood to consume day and night!

  • Intestinal transit regulator

    The baobab pulp  is extremely rich in fiber, it helps fight constipation and diarrhea, participates in the perfect regulation of intestinal transit and is an excellent rehydrating agent. Approved by WHO ! (World Health Organization)

  • Ingredients

    Baobab pulp

  • 100% natural without chemical additives

    No artificial flavors 

  • Preparation tips

    -   25 cl of water, the equivalent of a mug for breakfast 

    - 4 tablespoons of baobab pulp

    - Honey (optional)

    Porter  the water to a boil, add the baobab pulp to the simmering water.

    Stir  out of the heat using a spatula or a whisk, then strain.

    The fruit is naturally sweet, it is best to taste before adding honey.

    Can be eaten cold or iced 

  • 35 gr - Bulk

    Flavor: Tart and sweet

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